Senior Advisor

Eric Olmsted

World-class healthcare economist and data analyst

Eric Olmsted, Ph.D. is a health economist with over 20 years of experience working with health data for a variety of health analytics organizations including IHCIS (now Optum), RTI International, Health Dialog, and CVS Health. He is an advanced data science programmer with primary experience using administrative health data to generate service categorization logic, build risk adjustment and predictive models, develop reporting algorithms, and perform program evaluations. Dr. Olmsted has worked with wide variety of health insurance data including national payers (United, Aetna), regional payers (BCBS organizations, etc.), Medicare, and all payer claims data. Since the beginning of his career, he has used medical, pharmacy, dental and vision claims to perform a variety of evaluations including physician profiling and geographic health utilization analytics. Dr. Olmsted is an expert at creating clean, logical and consistent claim databases from raw medical and pharmacy claims and has designed multiple data intake processes that include quality review and data warehousing.


Partner, CWH Advisors

Principal, OHA Consulting

Chief Analytics Officer, Archway Health

Director of Analytic Consulting, Lumeris

Director, Care Analytics, SCIO Inspire Corp



Research and development executive with over 20 years of measurable achievements driving product and measurement innovation in multiple health information and consulting organizations.  

Results oriented, ethical researcher with a Ph.D. in health economics.

Focused experience utilizing large claims and enrollment databases to create client value including prediction and evaluation methodologies as well as peer-reviewed publications and academic presentations.  

Consistent success generating new products, producing technical reports, and managing projects.
